Artista: Audiomatic
Título do Album: Weekend Society
Ano de Lançamento: 08/03/2011
Gênero: Progressive Trance
Tamanho Total: 95.6 MB
Gravadora: Spin Twist Records
Título do Album: Weekend Society
Ano de Lançamento: 08/03/2011
Gênero: Progressive Trance
Tamanho Total: 95.6 MB
Gravadora: Spin Twist Records
01 - Asprovalta Calling
02 - Windows of our Soul
03 - Neelix - Give them free (Audiomatic Rmx)
04 - Deep & Pumping Sound
05 - Exchange (feat. Vaishiyas)
06 - Flipping Switches
07 - The City in the City (feat. Phaxe)
08 - Alfredo Garcia & Day.din - Twin peak (Audiomatic Remix)
09 - Synthesized
10 - Q-factor
02 - Windows of our Soul
03 - Neelix - Give them free (Audiomatic Rmx)
04 - Deep & Pumping Sound
05 - Exchange (feat. Vaishiyas)
06 - Flipping Switches
07 - The City in the City (feat. Phaxe)
08 - Alfredo Garcia & Day.din - Twin peak (Audiomatic Remix)
09 - Synthesized
10 - Q-factor