Artista: Dj Prowe
Título do Album: Plugger Out
Ano de Lançamento: 04/01/2011
Gênero: Progressive Trance
Tamanho Total: 179 MB
Gravadora: N/A
1 - Klopfgeister & Day.Din - Shadow Of A Smile
2 - Neelix & Potter - Lewd Behaviour
3 - Interactive Noise - Elastik
4 - Symphonix - Downtown (Interactive Noise Rmx)
5 - Dj Fabio & Moon - Centered
6 - Motion Drive & Flowjob - Puppetmaster
7 - Klopfgeister - Heavy New Beer
8 - Flegma & Nerso - Data Link
9 - Zyce Vs. Flegma & Nerso - Walk The Line
10 - Middle Mode - Age Of Change
11 - Funky Dragon & Zyce - Serpent (Middle Mode Rmx)
12 - Zyce - L´Apstraction
13 - Ritmo - Music From Heaven (Kopel Rmx)
14 - E-Clip - Psytribe
15 - Sunstryk & E-Clip - Natures Warning
2 - Neelix & Potter - Lewd Behaviour
3 - Interactive Noise - Elastik
4 - Symphonix - Downtown (Interactive Noise Rmx)
5 - Dj Fabio & Moon - Centered
6 - Motion Drive & Flowjob - Puppetmaster
7 - Klopfgeister - Heavy New Beer
8 - Flegma & Nerso - Data Link
9 - Zyce Vs. Flegma & Nerso - Walk The Line
10 - Middle Mode - Age Of Change
11 - Funky Dragon & Zyce - Serpent (Middle Mode Rmx)
12 - Zyce - L´Apstraction
13 - Ritmo - Music From Heaven (Kopel Rmx)
14 - E-Clip - Psytribe
15 - Sunstryk & E-Clip - Natures Warning